Our Code of Conduct
For the Facilitators & Assistants of HEA
Facilitators and assistants of the Tantric Sexology education & De-armouring Training agree that:
Their main focus and primary ethical responsibility is for their students’ wellbeing.
They work to establish a relationship which the student experiences as safe, consensual and fully engaged.
They intend to share their knowledge and experience in a way that brings the student back to their own inner wisdom and they will not push or persuade the student into a change, treatment or intervention of any kind.
They bring awareness to the power dynamic between them and the students and the vulnerable position that students might find themselves in while working on trauma, shadows and tantric sexuality.
They work to support the student into their experience of embodiment. When consensual touch is included it is solely for the purposes of the student’s learning and growth and as much as possible is guided by the student in great respect for their boundaries.
They commit to their own personal growth, self care, professional development and on-going peer and professional supervision.
They understand and acknowledge that all student information must be kept confidential at all times, and that according to Danish Data Law, all client journals must be safe and securely stored.
They are not to begin any form of sexual contact or romantic intimacy with students for a minimum of one (1) year after the completion of the TS education, except where there is a pre-existing romantic or sexual relationship, or a professional peer-level relationship, between the teacher or assistant and student.
They are here to serve with their experience and wisdom and have a role in that, however, they are also human. We are not here with the full perfect truth and answers. The facilitators and assistants disclaim any expectations and possible projections of being perfect. They love to serve as an inspiration, but every student is fully responsible for owning their self-worth and value.
Code of Conduct for Tantric Sexologists & De-armouring practitioners during education & as certified
Whether working one-on-one with clients or guiding participants in workshops, adhere to the following principles:
Our foremost responsibility is the wellbeing of our clients and participants. We obtain explicit, informed consent before engaging in any practices or activities, ensuring that individuals feel empowered and respected throughout the session or workshop.
We cultivate an environment characterized by a holistic, trauma-informed approach where there is safety and an open co-creation of the session between the Practitioner and the client or participant.
Sessions are client lead. Our approach aims to empower clients and participants to tap into their inner wisdom and body awareness without pressure or manipulation towards specific outcomes. We respect each individual's journey and support them in navigating their unique path to personal growth and healing.
We are mindful of power dynamics, particularly in contexts involving trauma healing, exploring shadows, and tantric sexuality. We work to create a safe space where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected, regardless of their position or background.
When incorporating bodywork, any touch is one-directional and always honors the client's boundaries. We maintain clear boundaries and uphold the highest standards of professionalism in all interactions with clients and participants, ensuring that our actions are guided by our mission to bring more integrity to the field of Tantra and Sexuality.
We are committed to our ongoing personal growth, professional development, embodiment practices, and seeking peer supervision.
We uphold strict confidentiality standards and comply with relevant data protection regulations to ensure the security and privacy of client information.
We refrain from any form of sexual, romantic, or non-professional relationships with clients or participants during or after our sessions/workshops. Exceptions to this are pre-existing relationships or peer-level relationships.
While we offer guidance and expertise, we recognize our humanness and reject any expectation of perfection. Our role is to inspire and support, but ultimately our clients and participants are responsible their own process. Having said this, we recognize our ethical responsibility to clients and participants. We have clear processes in place for addressing client complaints or concerns.